Imagefoto im Kopf der Seite: Birnau und Pfahlbauten in Uhldingen-Mühlhofen (Nur zur Illustration)
WIBcms - the simple maintenance tool for your homepage
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Version history and downloads

The WIBcms is currently still in the "beta phase". That means: everything works and is already in productive use - but a few things still bother me...

However, you can download this website as it is (and with all the features shown here) and experiment with it.

For more information on updates and version history, you can also visit our update page. We also provide trial versions, so-called "nightly builds", which are not intended for productive use, but provide experimental and/or not yet fully tested features.

Licence conditions

WIBcms is available in several licence variants:

  • GNU Public License (GNU GPLv3):
    Take it as is. As a free open source/freeware solution. Without warranty (service) and without individual support, except for the anyway integrated help, automatic updates and bug fixes...
  • Commercial License:
    Full support in all content-related and technical questions!!!
    Please contact us directly if you are interested:
    in the contact form or by e-mail.

Open Source

The WIBcms uses the following free software:

  • Slimbox (online image viewer á la Lightbox): with
    MooTools (Javascript framework):
  • alternatively blueimp Gallery with Swipe
  • CodeMirror (text editor with syntax highlighting, only in the internal maintenance area):
  • TinyMCE (online text editor, only in the internal maintenance area):
  • and PHPExcel (optional, on Github)
  • and is also inspired by:
  • CMSimple_XH and KissGallery (plugin for CMSimple by Claus Højberg / modded by ge-webdesign).